WARM-UP (12 min.)
Part 1:
2 rounds
Jog 200m
10 KB Good Mornings
5 KB Bent over rows
Part 2:
2 rounds
Jog 200m
10 KB Deadlifts
5 Inverted rows (easy)
Part 3:
2 rounds
Jog 200m
10 KB Russian swings
5 Inverted rows (easy)
3 rounds of:
5 KB swings
5 Inverted rows
@ workout intensity
WORKOUT (16 min.)
“Helen is meant to feel fast and light. The volume on this workout is relatively low, so the movements should be unbroken. If you have to rest for long periods of time or break the Pull-Up/Kettlebell Swings into more than 2 sets, you’ll lose the intended intensity. Scale as needed to achieve a fast pace throughout the WOD.”
3 Rounds for time of:
400m run (tot de lantaarnpaal voor de brug)
21 kettlebell swings, 20/24kg
12 inverted rows (barbell in squat stands)
3 sets of:
Rest 1:30 between sets